Any parent’s wish when it comes to caring for their baby is to give the best for their child. Quality and safety aspects are prominent when choosing products for the baby, especially the things they need daily. Bath time is a very important part of a baby’s daily routine. There are many baby bath items on the market, and they may promise various benefits for your baby’s skin, but how suitable are they for baby’s skin?
Ayurveda products do not limit its healing and soothing abilities to age or skin type. The use of natural herbals and ingredients during the baby bathing ritual goes back to generations. Khomba (neem), venival (Tree Turmeric), rathmal (Jungle Geranium) are some of the natural herbal ingredients used to infuse the bathing water with the intention of soothing the baby’s skin with its healing properties. Among the many ayurveda benefits for babies, one of the most fundamental is for the baby to have an enjoyable bath. As the baths will be an important part of their daily routine as they grow up, it is essential to instil the goodness of Ayurveda benefits for babies to enjoy prolonged uses of it to maintain healthy skin. However, nowadays it is not easy to find these herbs in your garden or neighbourhood nor parents have the time to create such a bathing experience for the baby.
Now the parents are left with the next best option, herbal baby bathing products with natural extracts with harmless ingredients that is suitable for baby skin. The market now has a variety of herbal baby bathing such as bathing soap, body wash, baby shampoo, and even aftercare products such as talc and baby cream. The initial picking of the right product maybe a bit challenging if it is the first time you are trying herbal baby products. It is good to go through the ingredients and instructions before you try them on your baby. If available, research for reliable sources of further details of the Ayurveda benefits for babies, characteristics of herbal ingredients, and reviews from other parents who have used them.